Source code for unequalpy.approximation

""" Power spectrum.
This module prepares the power spectra for the lensing analysis,
using different approximations to the unequal-time power spectrum.

__version__ = '0.1.6'

__author__ = 'Lucia F. de la Bella'
__email__ = ''
__license__ = 'MIT'
__copyright__ = '2020, Lucia Fonseca de la Bella'

__all__ = [

import numpy as np
from unequalpy.matter import matter_power_spectrum_1loop as Petc

[docs]def geometric_approx(power_spectrum): r"""Geometric approximation for the power spectrum. This function computes the unequal-time geometric mean approximation for any power spectrum, as described in equation 1.3 in [1]_. Parameters ---------- power_spectrum : (nz, k) array_like Array of power spectra at different redshifts. Returns ------- power_power : (nz, nz, nk) array_like The geometric approximation of the unequal-time power spectrum evaluated at the input redshifts and wavenumbers for the given cosmology. Units of :math:`{\rm Mpc}^{3}`. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM >>> from skypy.power_spectrum import growth_function >>> from unequalpy.approximation import geometric_approx as Pgeom >>> cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.11, Ob0=0.049, Om0= 0.2685) We use precomputed values from the FAST-PT code: >>> d = np.loadtxt('../Pfastpt.txt',unpack=True) >>> ks = d[:, 0] >>> pk, p22, p13 = d[:, 1], d[:, 2], d[:, 3] >>> p11_int = interp1d( ks, pk, fill_value="extrapolate") >>> p22_int = interp1d( ks, p22, fill_value="extrapolate") >>> p13_int = interp1d( ks, p13, fill_value="extrapolate") >>> powerk = (p11_int, p22_int, p13_int) The normalised growth function from SkyPy: >>> g0 = growth_function(0, cosmo) >>> z = np.array([0,1]) >>> Dz = growth_function(z, cosmo)]) / g0 The equal-time matter power spectrum >>> pet = P1loop(ks, Dz, powerk) And finally, the geometric approximation to the unequal-time matter power spectrum: >>> pg_spt = Pgeom(pet) References ---------- ..[1] de la Bella, L. and Tessore, N. and Bridle, S., 2020, arXiv 2011.06185. """ return np.sqrt(power_spectrum[:, None] * power_spectrum[None, :])
[docs]def midpoint_approx(wavenumber, growth_mean, powerk): r"""Midpoint approximation for the power spectrum. This function computes the unequal-time midpoint approximation for any power spectrum, as described in equation 2.14 in [1]_. Parameters ---------- wavenumber : (nk,) array_like Array of wavenumbers in units of :math:`{\rm Mpc}^{-1}` at which to evaluate the matter power spectrum. growth_mean : (nz1, nz2), array_like Growth function array evaluated at the midpoint redshift. powerk: tuple, function Tuple of functions for the linear, 22-type and 13-type power spectra at redshift zero. Returns ------- power : (nz1, nz2, nk), array_like The midpoint power spectrum evaluated at the input redshifts and wavenumbers for the given cosmology. Units of :math:`{\rm Mpc}^{3}`. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM >>> from skypy.power_spectrum import growth_function >>> from unequalpy.approximation import midpoint_approx >>> from unequalpy.approximation import growth_midpoint >>> cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.11, Ob0=0.049, Om0= 0.2685) We use precomputed values from the FAST-PT code: >>> d = np.loadtxt('../Pfastpt.txt',unpack=True) >>> ks = d[:, 0] >>> pk, p22, p13 = d[:, 1], d[:, 2], d[:, 3] >>> p11_int = interp1d( ks, pk, fill_value="extrapolate") >>> p22_int = interp1d( ks, p22, fill_value="extrapolate") >>> p13_int = interp1d( ks, p13, fill_value="extrapolate") >>> powerk = (p11_int, p22_int, p13_int) The normalised growth function from SkyPy at some midoint redshift between z1 and z2: >>> z1, z2 = 0, 2 >>> D12 = growth_midpoint(z1, z2, growth_function, cosmo) Finally, the midpoint approximation to the unequal-time matter power spectrum: >>> pspt = midpoint_approx(ks, D12, powerk) References ---------- ..[1] de la Bella, L. and Tessore, N. and Bridle, S., 2020, arXiv 2011.06185. """ p11, p22, p13 = powerk power_spectrum = [] for gzm in growth_mean: power_spectrum.append(Petc(wavenumber, gzm, powerk)) return np.asarray(power_spectrum)
[docs]def growth_midpoint(redshift1, redshift2, growth_function, *args): r"""Growth function at the midpoint. This function computes the linear growth function evaluated at the mean of two given redshift values. Parameters ---------- redshift1, redshift2 : (nz1,), (nz2,), array_like Array of wavenumbers in units of :math:`{\rm Mpc}^{-1}` at which to evaluate the matter power spectrum. growth_function : function Method to compute the growth function. *args: tuple Arguments for the growth function method. Returns ------- growth : (nz1, nz2), array_like The growth function evaluated at the midpoint redshift. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM >>> from skypy.power_spectrum import growth_function >>> from unequalpy.approximation import growth_midpoint >>> cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.11, Ob0=0.049, Om0= 0.2685) The normalised growth function from SkyPy (you can choose any other method) at some midoint redshift between z1 and z2: >>> z1, z2 = 0, 2 >>> D12 = growth_midpoint(z1, z2, growth_function, cosmo) """ zm = 0.5 * np.add.outer(redshift1, redshift2) return growth_function(zm, *args) / growth_function(0, *args)